
Lessons learnt from Vector Drawables

vector header

Dialing back to days of Android 5.0 release(s) one of the things which got a lot of people excited was Android got support for SVGs in form of vector Drawables. No longer you were required to draw custom shapes or have icon png(s) based on density, just import SVGs using Android Studio and let the support library draw them for you!

This article is more or less a list of lessons which I’ve learnt while working with vectors and how to make sure to use vectors safely avoiding crashes on devices with API level less than 21.

Without Support Library

By default, if you don’t enable support library use all vector drawables are converted to pngs in their density folders. While this means you’ll never face an rendering issue since pngs are supported in all versions of Android, this will definitely increased size of your app by a lot if you heavily depend on vectors.

Here’s how a vector xml file in transformed into multiple pngs during build cycle

vector png

This rasterization into pngs modifies after build size of one vector(in this case) from 2kb to 7kb which is more than 3x size increase.

Ideally this approach should be avoided if your app has a lot of vectors. Let’s look into next section on how to work with Support Library.

With Support Library

To use vectors with support library, there is a simple flag which can be added in build.gradle

android {
    vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true

and add following code to your Application class’s onCreate


Using support library means there is no conversion of xml to pngs based on density, instead these drawables are drawn on runtime on canvas.

Following this we will broadly divide usage into following sections

Using vector drawables in Framework Components

A very straightforward way of using vectors is ImageView which can be used for icons/shapes etc.

Since vectors are not supported natively, they always should be used with app namespace. Android Studio does a good job to let you know the same for ImageView

vector imageview

But let’s look at some other scenarios


We can also set icon to TextView as drawableStart, drawableTop etc.

    android:text="Account" />

If you run this code on devices with API <21, you’ll face this error.

Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #11: Error inflating class TextView
Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/drawable/ic_account.xml from drawable resource ID #0x7f060060

For TextView, the solution is already present if you are using androidx.appcompat version 1.1.0 or above.

    app:drawableStartCompat="@drawable/ic_account" />

Other Views/ViewGroups

Unfortunately, Android Studio doesn’t warn if vectors are used with android namespace in components other than ImageView which makes it harder to find out where vector rendering might become a problem. There are a lot of practical use cases where you could use vectors outside of ImageView such as background of a smaller ViewGroup and also you can use them to draw complex shapes without writing canvas related code yourself.

In such cases, a there are two ways to use vectors with android namespace

  1. Wrap them in a StateList drawable


<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_account" />

By creating StateList, this drawable can used with android namespace anywhere and should work below API 21, though this requires you to create on extra file per vector.

  1. Load vectors as drawables and set them outside of xml in Kotlin/Java

You can set drawables to TextView, ViewGroup etc outside of xml also

viewGroup.background = yourDrawable
textView.setCompoundDrawables(leftDrawable, topDrawable, rightDrawable, bottomDrawable)

Now the question is how to load Drawable.

Loading drawables outside xml

The most common known way of loading drawable is via ContextCompat

ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_account)

Also there is another less known way

AppCompatResources.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_account)

In current scenario both will work fine since this is plain vector. But let’s say we have a vector which has a gradient tag

<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        android:pathData="M7.1921,17L8.0072,17L8.0072,0L0,0L0,9.8079C-0,11.8049 0.2818,12.9046 0.8109,13.894C1.3401,14.8834 2.1166,15.6599 3.106,16.1891C4.0954,16.7182 5.1951,17 7.1921,17Z"
        <aapt:attr name="android:fillColor">
                <item android:offset="0" android:color="#000000"/>
                <item android:offset="1" android:color="#FFFFFF"/>

Loading this vector via ContextCompat will throw this error on devices with API level 21-23

Caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Binary XML file line #13: invalid color state list tag gradient

This works fine above API 23 and even below API 21 but fails in between these APIs. Weird, right!

Let’s look at what ContextCompat does

contextcompat getdrawable

Above API 21, it uses context to inflate drawables, but there is a catch. Support for gradient tag in vectors was introduced in API 24 hence resolving drawables via context will fail below API 24 since framework doesn’t know what gradient tag is!

Below API 21, it uses context.getResources and IIRC, inflation of drawables via Resources is intercepted by AppCompat and it takes over inflation of drawables.

This error can be avoided by using AppCompatResources instead of ContextCompat which works well on all API levels because it does a lot of checks! 😅 Look for yourself

appcompatresources getdrawable

Preferring AppCompatResources becomes fairly important if you have a utility class or an extension function to load drawables app wide, since that class won’t be aware of what kind of drawables it’s receiveing.

Working with custom views

If your app has Custom Views in it, it might be possible that you are receveing drawable references through custom attributes. These attributes can then resolve drawables via TypedArray

class TrafficView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : View(context, attrs) {

    init {
        val typedArray = context.theme.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.TrafficView,0, 0)
        val drawable = typedArray.getDrawable(R.styleable.TrafficView_image_src)

typedArray.getDrawable will fail below API 21 if drawable has a vector tag in it. This is also one of the reasons android namespace in framework components cannot resolve vectors since TypedArray is bound to framework API level and cannot be overriden by AppCompat.

For custom views this can be solved by creating an extension function

fun TypedArray.getDrawableCompat(context: Context, @StyleableRes id: Int): Drawable? {
    val resource = getResourceId(id, 0)
    if (resource != 0) {
        return AppCompatResouces.getDrawable(context, resource)
    return null

Here instead of inflating Drawable via TypedArray, we just retrieve resourceId from it and then use AppCompatResources to safely inflate the drawable.

Safeguarding with Lint

Android Studio’s lint checks may not be enough if you’re using vectors heavily in your app and often use it outside of ImageView. In such cases it might be beneficial to write your own lint rule to prevent runtime issues.

Here are two examples which will cause crash at runtime where we are using vector with android namespace on API levels below 21.

linear layout vector

textview vector

We can write a custom lint rule which will then give out errors in XML whenever vectors are used without app namespace.


class VectorUsageDetector : ResourceXmlDetector() {

    companion object {

        val VECTOR_ISSUE = Issue.create(
                id = "Vector Usage Issue",
                briefDescription = "Warns usage of vectors with `android` namespace",
                explanation = "Vectors with `android` are not supported in API level below 21",
                category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
                severity = Severity.ERROR,
                implementation = Implementation(

    override fun appliesTo(folderType: ResourceFolderType): Boolean {
        return folderType == ResourceFolderType.LAYOUT

    override fun getApplicableAttributes(): Collection<String>? {
        return XmlScannerConstants.ALL

    override fun visitAttribute(context: XmlContext, attribute: Attr) {
        val name = attribute.name
        val value = attribute.value
        if (name.contains("android:") and value.contains("drawable")) {
            val isVectorDrawable = isVectorDrawable(value.replace("@drawable/", ""), context)
            if (isVectorDrawable) {
                        "Vector is used without `app` namespace. This can cause a crash on API levels below 21.")
            } else {
        } else {

    private fun isVectorDrawable(name: String, context: XmlContext): Boolean {
        var isVectorDrawable = false
        context.mainProject.resourceFolders.forEach { folder ->
            val path = folder.path
            val drawableFolder = "$path/drawable/"
            val drawableFile = File("$drawableFolder/$name.xml")
            if (drawableFile.exists()) {
                drawableFile.forEachLine { lineString ->
                    if (lineString.contains(TAG_VECTOR)) isVectorDrawable = true
        return isVectorDrawable

Here’s how it looks like with lint rule in place.

linear layout lint error

textview lint error

Having instrumentation test case which run on devices with API level less than 21 can also help to catch these errors early.


  • Vectors are great for icons and small custom shapes, but use them judiciously with support library
  • Always use AppCompatResouces over ContextCompat when loading vector drawables.
  • Always prefer app namespace when using vector drawables in xml.
  • Write Lint rules to safeguard incorrect usage and run instrumentation test cases on device with API level less than 21.

Extra material on Vectors

  • Here’s a 25 min video on Vectors - Vector Assets
  • Here’s a library which extends certain svg functionalities to Vector Drawables - kyrie

Thanks for reading!

Stay safe.